1. Opportunities
To improve their retail presence, Ncell wanted to revamp their retail outlet at their headquarters as part of their rebranding efforts. Their existing stores focused on transactional services with an outdated format that separated customers and staff. The opportunity existed to inspire customers with a contemporary yet local store design that would help them connect with staff and discover how technology could improve their lives.
3. Method
To approach the project strategically, we proposed solutions with a product management lens. This included analyzing competitors, developing a go-to-market strategy, and phasing implementation with an agile prioritization framework. The content was built around an omnichannel customer journey that considered the end-to-end customer experience.
2. Outcome – Physical & Digital
In the physical store, we observed that customers were anxious in unfamiliar environments. To create a casual ambience, we selected local materials and avoided cultural appropriation in the design, focusing on branded form instead. Multifunctional fixtures allowed furniture to function as product demos and consults, and the free-form space planning encouraged interaction. The store footprints and fixtures were designed to adapt as the business transitioned to digital services.
In the digital realm, we explored several pathways and chose to unify content between the retail store and the experiential centre. The centralized CMS managed brand value communications and reformatted them for the retail centres. External content such as TVCs, social media, apps, and live feeds from the retail centres was shared across both environments. These experiences were integrated into a digital framework that allowed us to measure customer engagement. We also helped create a spatial, ambient, and roadshow experience to showcase Ncell's success and allow visitors to participate in person and virtually. The content was related back to the core pillars of Ncell's customers' lives.