New Line. / by Jon Chuo


Check out my new line of ceramics, specifically created for savoring tea. It maintains the perfect temperature longer than your average teacup or mug. For those pottery enthusiasts out there: I used the Kinuneri kneading method to get the right consistency and Rokuro wheel work to get the optimal thickness and shape. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque et magna pellentesque, elementum ligula a, finibus diam. Sed tempor, orci a fermentum molestie, nunc magna vestibulum magna, a vestibulum orci elit et nisi. Morbi metus nisl, convallis nec placerat vel, ornare sit amet nisl. Suspendisse laoreet gravida diam at maximus. Ut egestas semper dui eu blandit. Pellentesque ultricies urna in dolor sagittis molestie. Duis aliquam malesuada diam vitae porta. Pellentesque eu tincidunt ante.


Tea, Please.